Our Story
André Cormier and Robin Streb co-founded LaRouère (lah-roo-AIR) Chocolat salon & boutique in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Located in the Urban Quarter on St. George Street, they’re part of a burgeoning community of food artisans crafting a diverse range of goods.
Driven by their deep affection for exquisite chocolate, André and Robin began their adventure in 2016, crafting chocolate from scratch using cacao beans at home as a labor of love. The founding of LaRouère marked a pivotal moment, underscoring their promise to honing their chocolate-making craft.
Their dedication to excellence encompasses the careful sourcing of premium cacao from reputable brokers who uphold the most stringent ethical and environmental criteria. LaRouère willingly pays premium prices, often exceeding commodity rates by up to fivefold, to ensure fair remuneration for cacao farmers and to maintain a resilient supply chain. This commitment guarantees that the cacao is grown, fermented, and dried with the utmost care to produce the finest chocolate.
Drawing on their backgrounds as professional musicians, André and Robin inherently grasp the significance of excellence. Infusing their endeavors with creative discipline, impeccable timing, a discerning palate, meticulous attention to detail, and abundant patience, they infuse both their music and their chocolate with their unwavering dedication. This approach guarantees that each product emanates their profound passion and commitment to quality.
André and Robin
LaRouère co-owner and founders.
LaRouère mission, vision, values
MISSION Our practice is to craft chocolate that will engage your senses, open your mind, and win your heart.
Our focus is to deliver an outstanding gustatory sensation for the chocolate lovers among us and beyond. This, without compromise, begins with extraordinary cacao—cared for, harvested, fermented, and dried at origin by talented growers around the world—that we are proud to transform into stunning single origin chocolate. With precise techniques, patience, and care LaRouère ensures every small batch becomes a distinguished chocolate that we can’t wait to share. We fully immerse ourselves in this practice to allow each fine cacao seed to express its complex of flavours.
Priority—Our main concern is making chocolate with great cacao origins that in return gift us with a genuine panoply of natural flavour.Transparency—Our process is open for all to see, and our ingredients are entirely traceable.
Fidelity—We’re in humble service of cacao, we are there to assist it express its finest stories through chocolate.
Determination—We’re dedicated to producing and offering an ever evolving series of chocolate that range in cacao percentages, from various prized cacao origins, and in diverse styles.
Artistry—With 25 years of musical practice, we approach our chocolate making with the same rigor: Discipline, creativity, learning, experimenting, and always doing with love and joy.
Neighborhood—As the local chocolate maker, we’re proud to offer a unique space for everyone to discover, further understand, and take pleasure in finest chocolate and cacao.
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MISSION Notre pratique consiste à fabriquer du chocolat qui engagera vos sens, ouvrira votre esprit et gagnera votre cœur.
Notre objectif est d’offrir une sensation gustative exceptionnelle aux amateurs de chocolat parmi nous et au-delà. Ceci, sans compromis, commence par un cacao extraordinaire — soigné, récolté, fermenté et séché à l'origine par des producteurs chevronnés du monde entier — que nous sommes fiers de transformer en chocolat d’origine unique superbe. Avec des techniques précises, de la patience et du soin, LaRouère s’assure que chaque petit lot devient un chocolat distingué que nous avons hâte de partager. Nous nous immergeons pleinement dans cette pratique pour permettre à chaque graine de cacao fine d’exprimer son complexe de saveurs.
Priorité—Notre préoccupation central est de fabriquer du chocolat avec de grandes origines de cacao qui, en retour, nous offrent une véritable panoplie de saveurs naturelles.
Transparence—Notre processus est ouvert à tous et nos ingrédients sont entièrement traçables.
Fidélité—Nous sommes au service humble du cacao, nous sommes là pour l'aider à exprimer ses plus belles histoires à travers le chocolat.
Déterminé—Nous nous engageons à produire et à offrir une série de chocolats en constante évolution qui varient en pourcentages de cacao, provenant de diverses origines de cacao prisées et dans divers styles.
L’Art—Avec 25 ans de pratique musicale, nous abordons notre fabrication de chocolat avec la même rigueur : Discipline, créativité, apprentissage, expérimentation et toujours faire avec amour et joie.
Quartier—En tant que chocolatier local, nous sommes fiers d'offrir un espace unique pour que chacun puisse découvrir, mieux comprendre et apprécier les meilleurs chocolats et cacaos.