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LaRouere fabrique de chocolat

LeVert – Koicha

LeVert – Koicha

Regular price $22.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 CAD
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Le Vert est un chocolat unique, velouté, d’une saveur intense, d’un vert vibrant. Nous avons pétri une quantité substantielle de cette poudre de thé Okumidori de qualité supérieure dans notre base de beurre de cacao, de sucre d'érable et de lait d'avoine pour vous apporter notre Koicha à croquer. Koicha est une préparation de thé matcha épaisse et luxueuse qui est un symbole d'hospitalité, de respect et d'harmonie. Le Vert ouvre avec de l’agrume rafraîchissant et des notes de crème douce et d'agropyre et se termine par des échos de pissenlit.

Le Vert is a unique chocolate, velvety, intensely flavoured, vibrant green. We’ve kneaded a substantial quantity of this premium-grade Okumidori tea powder into our signature base of cacao butter, maple sugar, and oat milk to bring you our Koicha to bite into. Koicha is a thick, luxurious matcha tea preparation that is a symbol of hospitality, respect, and harmony. Le Vert opens with refreshing citrus, notes of sweet cream and wheatgrass, finishing with echoes of dandelion.

Note : Chaque tablette 65g Koicha contient trois portions de matcha, et 245 mg de caféine.

Note: each Koicha 65g bar contains three servings of matcha and 245mg of caffeine.

On remarque des notes de / We notice notes of : de l’agrume rafraîchissant et des notes de crème douce et d'agropyre et se termine par des échos de pissenlit. / refreshing citrus, notes of sweet cream and wheatgrass, finishing with echoes of dandelion.

Elements : Beurre de cacao, sucre d'érable, poudre de lait d'avoine, thé matcha supérieur / Cocoa butter, maple sugar, oat milk powder, superior matcha tea.

Origin : Superior matcha tea, Japan; maple sugar, NB; cacao butter, Mexico; oat milk powder, Canada/US.

Aoyama matcha powder from Bonsai Cha has been expertly crafted by our award-winning tea master, who has carefully hand-selected first-harvest leaves for this stunning matcha powder. Aoyama is made from the Okumidori cultivar which is characterized by a vivid, bright green colour and is considered a rare cultivar. Okumidori tends to be favoured for higher quality matcha powders due to its high amino acid and chlorophyll content which enhances umami flavour. This cultivar typically offers a refreshing fragrance that is sweet and buttery, similar to baked biscuits or wafers, along with notes of chocolate and grass. On the palate, it is smooth, round and mellow with low astringency.


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